Literary Arts

Applying for Honors

If you are a Literary Arts concentrator who has completed or is currently enrolled in a 1000-level Literary Arts Workshop or an appropriate LITR 1110 or 11150 section, you are eligible to apply for Honors in Literary Arts.

To apply, you should complete an online application in the semester directly prior to the semester during which you intend to complete honors. Those applying to complete a spring thesis may apply from 6 September through 11:59 pm on 25 September. Those applying to complete a fall thesis may apply from 1 February through 11:59 pm on 25 February.

Writing Sample

The Honors application will ask a few questions – your name, your class year, your Banner number, etc. There is also a place to upload a writing sample. You should upload a writing sample in the genre in which you want to write a thesis. The sample should be no less than 15 pages of material (and not more than 30). Please note the sample should be a single file, uploaded as a PDF. (If you want to submit eight really short stories, or 15 poems, please combine them into a single file and send them as one document, even though there are various works under the one umbrella.)

Some candidates may choose to submit work that would be part of the thesis itself; some may include a one-page summary of a proposed thesis project; others may simply submit a writing sample comprised of the work in which they take pride. Any of these choices is fine.


Once you have submitted the application, the faculty in your track who will be available to work with you on your thesis will review it. This review is done independently – each available faculty member will separately review each application, and will submit decisions to the department. You may, therefore, be accepted into the Honors program by any faculty member within your track; and by accepting you, the faculty member is agreeing to serve as your advisor (typically through an independent study or through an advanced workshop).

After Acceptance

Once you are accepted into the Honors program, you should approach your faculty advisor directly to begin making plans.


  1. You should not approach faculty members and ask them to serve as your advisor before you complete this application process. This process is designed to ensure that all applicants are given equal consideration, so that the process is fair to everyone.
  2. It is our expectation that students will apply to honors in their seventh semester to complete the thesis in their final semester, Students who apply early will also be committing to complete the thesis early (in the semester following the one in which they apply). If they do not complete the thesis in that semester, they will have to reapply.
  3. Decisions regarding Honors will be announced about four to six weeks after the application deadline.

Additional Information