Concentration requirements are intended to balance creative and critical concerns. To complete a concentration in Literary Arts, students must take ten courses:
- At least four creative writing workshops in at least two genres.
- At least six reading-intensive courses, including a course in literary theory or the history of literary criticism and a breadth of literary periods. View Theory Courses.
- Of the ten total courses required for the concentration in Literary Arts, at least four must be taken at the 1000-level or above.
- Up to four classes taken at another institution or from another department at Brown may count toward the concentration if approved by the Program Director.
- Two of the ten courses may also count toward the fulfillment of a second concentration.
- All concentrators must take at least one course from among the Literary Arts offerings during the senior year.
- There is no thesis requirement for completing this concentration.
Required Reading Courses
Required reading courses, selected in consultation with a concentration advisor, may come from, but are not limited to, the following departments: Â Africana Studies, American Civilization, Classics, Comparative Literature, East Asian Studies, Egyptology, French Studies, German Studies, Hispanic Studies, Italian Studies, Judaic Studies, Linguistics, Literatures and Cultures in English, Middle East Studies, Modern Culture and Media, Music, Portuguese and Brazilian Studies, Slavic Studies, South Asian Studies, Theatre, Speech and Dance, and Visual Arts.
Concentration Advisor
To establish your Literary Arts concentration, you'll need to complete the online declaration form, found on the Registrar’s website.
To learn more about the concentration, and before you file concentration forms, we recommend that you make an appointment with Gale Nelson.
Gale Nelson
Room 109
68 1/2 Brown St.