There's much to celebrate, as our current MFA students garner fellowships, residencies and publications in major literary journals.
Roman Johnson, a first-year MFA candidate, has been awarded the John Hay Library's S.T. Joshi Endowed Research Fellowship. The fellowship, open to scholars worldwide, provides support for scholarship focused on the library's research holdings on H.P. Lovecraft as well collections related to weird fiction.
Imani Christopher, a second year MFA candidate, has published four new poems in the current issue of Callaloo, a distinguished journal of critical studies and creative writing, focused on matters pertinent to African American and African Diaspora Studies worldwide.
Tiffany Mi, a second year MFA candidate, has just been awarded the Philip Roth Residence in Creative Writing at Bucknell University. The semester-long residency provides the recipient with a stipend and lodging to make possible sustained work on their first or second literary book.