Literary Arts

News from Alexandra Kleeman, Jibade-Khalil Huffman and Charles Shields

Alexandra Kleeman, who graduated from Brown in 2007 with degrees in Literary Arts and Cognitive Science, was the recipient of both the Berlin Prize and the Rome Prize in 2020. These fellowships are awarded by the distinguished American Academies in Berlie and Rome respectively.

Jibade-Khalil Huffman, recipient of the MFA in Literary Arts in 2003, celebrated the opening of Now That I Can Dance, the artist/writer's first solo museum show, which took place this fall at the Tufts University Art Galleries in Medford, Mass. The show included new work in video, photography and writing.

Charles Shields (ABT, graduating in spring 2021) is collaborating with comedian Bronwyn Ariel Isaac on 3 Thumbs Up, a weekly podcast during which the two hosts review classic picture-books with the fresh but occasionally jaded eyes of adulthood.