Writers Online
Rachel Levitsky is the author of a novel, The Story of My Accident is Ours (Futurepoem, 2013), two books of poetry, Under the Sun (Futurepoem, 2003) NEIGHBOR (UDP, 2009) and a number of chapbooks including Renoemos (Delete, 2010) and Dearly, (a+bend, 1999). She is a member of the Belladonna* Collaborative, a feminist avant-garde hub for interventions in writing, reading, engaged discourse and activism. In 2010, with Christian Hawkey, she started The Office of Recuperative Strategies (OoRS.net), a mobile research unit exploring writing, political life and the interactive making of objects and events--variously located in Amsterdam, Berlin, Boulder, Brooklyn, Cambridge, multiple sites in NYC (including Governors Island The Holland Tunnel), and The University of Leipszig in Leipzig. She teaches at Pratt Institute and is guest faculty at Naropa University's Summer Writing Program.