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Michael Palmer

Writers Online

Poet Michael Palmer’s books include The Company of Moths, Codes Appearing: Poems 1979 – 1988; The Promises of Glass; The Lion Bridge; At Passages; Sun; First Figure; and many others, including a volume of prose, The Danish Notebook. He is, in addition, a well-known translator of works from the French, Russian, and Portuguese. Recipient of grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Lila Wallace-Reader’s Digest Writers Award, and a Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship, he lives in San Francisco.

New Directions Festival

Full Reading | Recorded: 03/31/98 | Run time: 30:30

“The Metaphysician of Prague” / “Sao Paolo Sighs” / “And Sighs Again” / “The Promises of Glass”

Excerpt | Recorded: 03/31/98 | Run time: 8:24

The Flowering of Bandelaire/Cogut Center for the Humanities Conference

Full reading | Recorded: 10/18/07 | Run time: 37:33

from "Sun"

Excerpt | Recorded: 10/18/07 | Run time: 8:22