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Bruce Andrews

Writers Online

Bruce Andrews is “a performance artist and poet whose texts are some of the most radical of the Language school; his poetry tries to cast doubt on each and every ‘natural’ construction of language” (according to The Oxford Companion to Twentieth Century Literature in English).  Founding co-editor of the journal L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E, which catalyzed the so-called Language Poetry movement, he has maintained a prolific record of activism at the adventurous edge of the literary avant-garde.  He is author of over thirty volumes of poetry (including Designated HeartbeatLip ServiceGive Em Enough Rope, and I Don’t Have Any Paper So Shut Up (or, Social Romanticism), and a collection of innovative critical essays (Paradise & Method:  Poetics & Praxis), with books, shorter texts, interviews, essays, recordings and commentary online at the Electronic Poetry Center, Ubu, PennSound, Eclipse, Jacket and Wikipedia sites. He lives in New York City.

Writers on Writing Reading Series - Fall 2011

Full Reading | Recorded: 10/06/11 | Run time: 23:31