Writers Online
Bruce Andrews is “a performance artist and poet whose texts are some of the most radical of the Language school; his poetry tries to cast doubt on each and every ‘natural’ construction of language” (according to The Oxford Companion to Twentieth Century Literature in English). Founding co-editor of the journal L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E, which catalyzed the so-called Language Poetry movement, he has maintained a prolific record of activism at the adventurous edge of the literary avant-garde. He is author of over thirty volumes of poetry (including Designated Heartbeat, Lip Service, Give Em Enough Rope, and I Don’t Have Any Paper So Shut Up (or, Social Romanticism), and a collection of innovative critical essays (Paradise & Method: Poetics & Praxis), with books, shorter texts, interviews, essays, recordings and commentary online at the Electronic Poetry Center, Ubu, PennSound, Eclipse, Jacket and Wikipedia sites. He lives in New York City.