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Anselm Berrigan

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Poet Anselm Berrigan is the author of three books, Some Notes on My Programming (2006),  Zero Star Hotel (2002), and Integrity & Dramatic Life (1999), as well as of several chapbooks, including Strangers In the Nest,  In the Dream Hole (with Edmund Berrigan), and They Beat Me Over the Head with a Sack.  A CD of his poetry, Pictures for Private Devotion, was released in 2003 through Narrow House Records. With Alice Notley and Edmund Berrigan, he coedited the Collected Poems of Ted Berrigan.  Previously artistic director and coordinator of the Wednesday Night Reading Series of the Poetry Project at St. Mark’s Church, he has taught writing at Brooklyn College, Rutgers University,  and Naropa University. He currently teaches in the Milton Avery Graduate School of the Arts at Bard College.

Downcity Poetry Series - Fall 2004

Full Reading | Recorded: 09/21/04 | Run time: 46:02

from "Token Enabler" / "Converted to What?" / "To Protect My Privacy" (excerpt) | Recorded: 09/21/04 | Run time: 8:54