Writers Online
Ahmel Echevarría Peré is a fiction writer, photographer, and editor, who is also webmaster of Vercuba and Centronelio. He holds a B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from ISPJAE University, Havana. His books include Inventario (Unión, 2007), Esquirlas (Letras Cubanas, 2006) and Días de Entrenamiento (FRA, Prague, Czech Republic, 2012). He has been included in several Cuban literary anthologies, such as: Los Que Cuentan (Cajachina, 2007), La Ínsula Fabulante: El Cuento Cubano en la Revolución 1959-2008 (Letras Cubanas, 2008) and La Fiamma in Bocca: Giovanni Narratori Cubani(Voland, 2009). His novels Pastel Para Pitbulls, La Noria, and Búfalos Camino al Matadero are to be published this year in Cuba. As a columnist he has collaborated with the independent digital magazine VOCES, Diario de Cuba, The Revolution Evening Post, and the Dialogue Section of the Hermanos Saíz Association.